The House of Wisdom was founded in the 9th century AD in Baghdad and became the radiating center of Science and Philosophy for more than 400 years until it was destroyed by the Mongols in 1258 AD.
Avicenna, a Persian physician and philosopher of Arabic language, brought together most of the knowledge of Antiquity in his work "The Healing".
Avicenna's Canon of Medicine was written in the 11th century and became one of the most important books in history in both the East and the West.
The House of Wisdom was founded in the 9th century AD in Baghdad and became the radiating center of Science and Philosophy for more than 400 years until it was destroyed by the Mongols in 1258 AD.
"It is said that, in ancient times, this knowledge existed among the Chaldeans, the people of Iraq, and reached Egypt, and, from there, it was transmitted to the Greeks, who kept it until it was transmitted to the Syrians, and, from them, until it reached the Arabs. Everything included in this science was expounded in the Greek language, then in Syriac, and finally in Arabic. The Greeks called it the science of sciences, the mother of sciences, the wisdom of wisdoms, and the art of arts. Those who acquired it were called philosophers, meaning those who love the highest wisdom."
Al-Farabi (séc.X ) The Path to Happiness
"We should not be ashamed of admiring the truth, nor of obtaining it wherever it comes from, even if it has come from peoples far away from us and from communities so different, for there is nothing more fundamental than the truth for those who seek the truth, for the truth does not despise or diminish the one who express it or the one who brings it." Al-Kindi (9th century) First Philosophy
Al-Kindi (séc. IX) On First Philosophy
"Our aim in this book is to register the essence of the philosophical sciences attributed to the ancients, and which have been the subject of constant effort for a long time until they have been established in a set on which the majority of opinions converge. I have tried to record in this book a great deal of the art. There is nothing in the books of the ancients that we have not included in this book of ours."
Avicena (séc.XI) The Healing
"The beauty, splendor and perfection of each being is to find what is most excellent in its own existence, realizing within itself the limit of its perfection. And this is happiness, that human beings make their souls resemble the intelligences of the Universe, joining to them, remaining in that state forever.
Al-Farabi (séc.X ) The Excellent City